
barbi, tizenhároméves, pesti lány, hatalmas SYNYSTER imádattal.  nagy színes képet nem kapsz mert nem gyilkolászom a népet a fejemmel. okcsá!

életérzéses újraélesztés.

eszetlenek szabadlábon Syn után epedezve.

hát ez ilyen izé

2012.07.31. 01:20, barbi
csak mert nem haltam még meg





3.      sárga.

4.     hátöizé

5.      még több sárga

6.       KUKI

7.      van ott egy baszottnagy szőnyeg

8.       általába csak kockulni járok be ide meg aludni

9.       tágas?!

10.   jaj még ide írok egy baromságot és kész. TORTÁT HEGESZTEK BENNE.



1.    hárman lakunk együtt, én, anya és a nagymamám

2.    apám nem annyira érdekel. szeretem, de mégiscsak nélküle nőttem fel úgyhogy nemtudom. kedves ember xdd

3.      apai ágról szinte senkit se ismerek

4.       anya is meg a nagymamám is egyedülállóak vagy mi. 

5.     az előzőből adódóan szerintem én is egyedül fogok meghalni. mert ez valami átok is lehet vagy mi

6.      anya ROCKER VOLT ASDFG

7.       mivel egy ukrán asszony és egy amerikai férfi melegedett össze nem tudom mit csövezek itt

8.       ó bárcsak a fenti mondat elejét nem tették volna

9.      csak egy anyám van de megkért hogy legyünk pusztán barátok. ciki.



1.      MELLEK

2.      földig érő lábam van, szépen hátrafésült fehér fogaim, mell alá érő hosszú barna szemem.

3.     a hátam nem elöl van, és az a valami a hasamon, nos az NEM egy segglyuk

4.      középmagas vagyok

5.      van HAJAM amire amúgy büszke vagyok és tovább növesztem mert egy fucking Rapunzel vagyok

6.   öö lefogynék

7.       hát most mit lehet ide írni. VAN!

8.      még mindig olyan awesome hogy vannak melleim. csak lenézek és ott van. BUMM




2.       hat hónaposan jöttem világra, 990 grammal és 39 centivel. 

3.       volt egy cumim amit nukunak hívtam.a takarót meg  bukunak (?!)

4.       akaratos kisgyerek voltam és mindig elszöktem

5.       DÉLUTÁNI ALVÁSOK. utáltam, visszasírom.

6.      csúnya kisgyerek voltam na.




1.      SZÜLŐFÖLD. művészi.

2.      van olyan szavunk hogy KECSKE és ez..felemelő

3.      szarban vagyunk

4.      olyan szavunk is van hogy SÓSKA

5.      kevés orgazmikus kinézetű rocker van.




1.      rocker. a másik meg osztálytárs :D

2.      a rocker miatt lettem én is rocker. a másik meg akkora fasz hogy csak szeretni lehet :D

3.       az első vera, a másik fanni xd


5.       szeretem őket nagyon :))



1.      jaj. hát anyukámat nagyon szeretem. apukámat is de őt azért kevésbé

2.     anya ukrán ugyebár apu amerikai

3.      10 év korkülönbség van köztük.

4.    jóba vannak, és ennek tényleg örülök


1.       a semmin is röhögök.és néha csak benyögöm hogy TORTA

2.      nem könnyű megbántani és szerencsére nem is próbálkoznak vele

3.       szeretnek mert szinte mindig jókedvem van :D TORTA



1.       két macska, egy hörcsög, egy nyúl. igen, ezek meghaltak.

2.       halak. ._. akik legtöbbször olyanok hogy CSINÁLJATOK MÁR VALAMIT NE CSAK LEBEGJETEK



1.      VAN SZEME. és most ez mindenkire vonatkozik akit kedvelek és van szeme.

i'm an anitisocial weirdo goth.

2012.06.11. 21:59, ede
haters gonna hate


[x] I cry a lot.
[ ] I go to local shows.
[] I wear black everyday.
[ ] I write sad poetry.
[ ] I play an acoustic guitar.
[x] My favorite bands include: Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or Panic! at the Disco.
[x] I think about suicide or death often.
[x] People have told me to cheer up.
[x] I cry when I see dead animals.
[ ] My myspace pics are black or white or angled.
[ ] I wear many band shirts.
[ ] No one understands me. 
[x] I don't talk too often.
[x] I look down when I walk.
[x] I wear black eyeliner. nem rendszeresen azéé
[ ] I have an ex I still cry over.
[ ] My hair is black.
[ ] My hair covers one of my eyes. 
[x] I always say 'life sucks' 
total: 9

[ ] I have straight A's.
[ ] I wear glasses.
[x] I always do my homework and study.
[ ] Lord of the Rings was a massive achievement.
[x] Computer games.
[ ] I'm 'teachers pet'.
[ ] I've never had a real boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] I have a bedtime.
[x] I use an asthma inhaler.
[x] I carry a calculator with me.
[ ] I bring my lunch to school.
[ ] I always follow the rules. 
[ ] I'm shy around the opposite sex. 
[x] I'm always on the computer.
[ ] I've never had beer or cigarettes. 
[ ] I always answer every question in class right.
[x] I correct people's grammar.
[x] I read a lot. 
[ ] School is very important to me. 
[ ] I always stump people.
Total: 7

[x] I always speak my mind.
[ ] I have 0% of school spirit.
[x] Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
[x] I stand up for what I think is right.
[ ] On spirit days at school, I wear the rival's colors. 
[x] Whenever people are doing something, I do the complete opposite.
[x] I won't listen to authority figures.
[x] I always break the rules.
[x] I refuse to compromise.
[ ] I'm always arguing with people. 
[x] I love debate.
[x] I always do what's unexpected of me.
[x] I don't give a shit what people think of me.
[x] If I watch a cruddy movie in theaters, right after it's over, I'll say 'that sucked'.
[x] I'm not afraid to contradict others.
[x] I only respect my own beliefs. 
[x] If I don't want to do something, I won't do it, no matter what.
[x] I laugh at compromising people.
[ ] I cheer on the rival's sport team to stand out. (and my classmates are hatiiing, haha)
[x] Rules were meant to be broken.
Total: 16

[x] I'm on one or more sport teams.
[ ] I always wear my varsity jacket.
[x] I've won awards for my athletic ability.
[ ] I will only date popular girls/guys.
[x] School Spirit 100%.
[ ] I'm going to a college for sports.
[ ] I watch sports on tv all the time
[ ] I'm muscular.
[ ] I play sports or exercise at least 3 hours a day.
[x] Go Team!
[ ] I'm a chick/dude magnet.
[x] I eat a lot.
[ ] I'm egotistical.
[ ] I'm too focused on sports to make really good grades.
[ ] I sit at the jock lunch table.
[ ] All I talk about with my friends is sports.
[x] I go to lots of sports games.
[ ] I'm very athletic
[ ] I wear sport inspired clothing.
[x] I play at least 3 different sports.
Total: 7

[x?] I'm funny.
[ ] I'm always making jokes. 
[ ] I interrupt class by making people laugh.
[x] I like to entertain people.
[ ] I worship Kevin Smith.
[x] I watch comedies more than anything.
[ ] I also watch SNL and Mad TV a lot
[x] I'm sarcastic.
[ ] I've been told I'm hilarious.
[ ] I always imitate people.
[ ] I pull lots of pranks.
[x] I always make sarcastic remarks after everything.
[x] I have to prove myself by being funny.
[x] People expect me to make jokes, always.
[x] I have a lot of pressure to make everyone laugh.
[x] If I don't make jokes, people ask me what's wrong.
[ ] Jim Carrey is my idol.
[x] I mostly get along with everybody.
[ ] At pep rallies, I'm the one acting crazy and silly.
[x] My teachers or parents tell me I need to focus more on work and less on joking around.
Total: 11

[ ] I don't have a lot of friends. 
[x] I don't talk too much. 
[ ] It's not that I'm snobby, I just get nervous when talking to people.
[x] When people say my name, others say 'who?'
[ ] I'm pretty sure mostly no one knows who I am. 
[x] People have told me I need to talk more.
[ ] I only talk when other people talk to me first.
[x] I look down when I walk. 
[x] I avoid social gatherings, such as games, dances, or parties.
[ ] People have tried to help me be more outgoing, but it never works.
[ ] I always plan to talk to more people, but I never do.
[x] I sit in the back of the classroom. 
[ ] I never participate in class discussions.
[x] I hide behind people to avoid being seen sometimes.
[x] I could never be a cashier, talking to strangers.
[x] I talk quietly, and people say "What?"
[ ] People have called me shy or quiet.
[ ] I usually let others decide for me.
[ ] If someone is talking about my favorite book or movie in front of me, I don't join in the conversation. 
[ ] I would like to be more outgoing.
Total: 9

[x] I wear black.
[x] I don't like to be seen.
[x] I'm very, very pale.
[ ] I only listen to metal or emo-ish music.
[x] I love creepy, weird movies.
[x] I love gothic cartoons and drawings.
[x] I don't like people. 
[x] I only go out during the night.hátnemcsakeste :”D de szoktam
[x] I have black fingernails. szamtaaajmsz
[ ] I wear a long black coat. 
[x] I also wear big black(pirosésbarna) boots.
[ ] 'The Crow' is one of my favorite movies.
[ ] I only date other Goths.
[x] I love black humor.
[x] I love pain. 
[x] People think I'm crazy.
[x] I don't talk to anyone who isn't as deep as me.
[x] I love to scare people.
[x] I laugh at teenyboppers.
[ ] People are scared of me.
Total: 16

[x] I talk to myself.
[x] I say really random things all the time.
[x] I fidget a lot.
[ ] I still use a wheeled backpack.
[x] People laugh at me.
[ ] I walk really funny.
[x] I have a very different sense of style. 
[ ] I talk in a robot voice often.
[x] I'll stop whatever I'm doing, and break out in a crazy dance if the mood strikes.
[x] I debate stuff with myself.
[x] I hear voices.
[x] I'm obsessed with aliens and the other planets. 
[ ] I have a fascination with robots and machinery.
[x] I use really big words no one understands, and they give me weird looks.
[x] I say random lines of babbling that make sense to no one but me.
[x] I dart my eyes from side to side.
[x] I always pretend I'm a robot or other weird non human thing
[x] People have no idea why I think the way I do.
[x] I have some very unusual, extraordinary talents.
[x] When people ask me if I like something that's trendy, I pretend to be scared or confused. 
Total: 16

[x] I hate most people.
[x] I prefer to be alone. 
[x] When people talk to me, I just give them a death glare. 
[x] Actually, most people don't talk to me.
[x] People are freaking idiots and I wish they'd all die. (nemmindenki. de igazán kipusztulhatna végre egy jópár jótétlélek)
[x] I live in my room, writing in my diary. 
[x] I go out my way to avoid everyone. 
[ ] I never greet anyone. 
[x] I despise people who talk too loudly.
[x] I want people to think I'm a freak. 
[ ] I never talk.
[ ] I can't wait to get off this earth.
[ ] I always sit by myself at lunch or anywhere else.
[x] I listen to music on full blast on my ipod/mp3 player/headphones to block out the world.
[x] I don't know why I am the way I am.
[ ] People have said I'm antisocial.
[ ] I use drugs or alcohol to escape the loneliness. 
[x] Why bother when people don't like you anyways?
[x] I occupy myself so it won't look like I'm a loner.
[ ] I just don't get along with anyone.
Total: 16. 

[ ] I skateboard to everywhere.
[ ] If I'm not skateboarding, I carry it with me.
[ ] I shop at Pacsun.
[ ] I'm obsessed with Tony Hawk. 
[ ] Oh yeah, and Bam Margera.
[ ] I always play skateboarding video games.
[x] I have shaggy hair.
[ ] I wear baggy pants.
[ ] I wear only skater shoes.
[x] I always wear hoodies. oo szamtajmsz
[x] I hang at skate parks
[ ] I'm always learning new board tricks.
[ ] Forget school, I want to be a professional skateboarder.
[ ] I've been skateboarding for over 4 years.
[x] I hang with other skaters.
[x] I've been hurt while skateboarding.
[ ] I've been in a skateboarding competition.
[x] I wear Vans.
[ ] Tony Hawks games own.
[x] I've met some of my closest friends at skate parks.
Total: 7

Christian Girl/Boy:
[ ] I go to church at least once a week.
[ ] Most of my wardrobe consists of long skirts and button down shirts for church.
[ ] I always carry a bible with me.
[ ] My whole family is very religious.
[ ] I've never been on a date.
[ ] I've never smoked or had a beer.
[ ] My beliefs are very strong.
[ ] I'm waiting for marriage until sex.
[ ] I wear a cross necklace.
[ ] I have a bracelet that says WWJD.
[ ] I'm always preaching to people about the importance of religion.
[ ] I believe in God. (i used to)
[ ] I'm not allowed to watch rated R movies, and sometimes, not even PG-13 movies.
[ ] I never go out and party.
[ ] I read the bible everyday.
[x] I've memorized excerpts from the bible. hittan és köll
[ ] I go to Sunday school.
[x] I've been to church camp. hittanos tábor és egyáltalán nem hittanos tábor hanem baromságok tábora és kibaszottjó :D
[ ] I pray every night.
[x] I sing Christian songs. hittanoon
Total: 3

[x] I say 'yo'. móricka ne rappelj yoo
[ ] I also say 'fo shizzle'.
[ ] I wear extremely baggy pants.
[ ] Mah chainz hang low.
[ ] I hang with my homies, biotches, and H**'s
[ ] I'm a thug.
[ ] I only listen to rap music.
[ ] 50 Cent is my idol.
[ ] I don't give a frick about school.
[ ] I steal/have stolen before.
[ ] I freestyle.
[ ] I breakdance.
[ ] Gold chainz is tha way to go, biotch.
[ ] I'm white but I act black 
[ ] All my heroes are dead rappers.
[ ] Tupac is still alive.
[ ] I party with all my ****.
[ ] I wear a sideways baseball cap.
[ ] I wear hoodies.
[x] I wear converse with the tongue flipped out.
Total: 2 :”D

[ ] I always steal people's lunch money.
[x] Geeks are afraid of me.
[x] I get in trouble all the time.
[ ] I steal people's stuff to be an asshole.
[ ] People have called me a bully.
[x] I have beat someone up before.
[ ] I'm always looking for a fight. 
[ ] I pick on people smaller than me. 
[x] I push people out of the way when I'm walking. 
[ ] I've never been in a relationship before.
[ ] People are afraid of me.
[ ] People know not to mess with me.
[ ] I'm bigger than most people my age.
[ ] I pick on people for the fun of it.
[ ] I make fun of everything anyone else likes. 
[ ] If anyone crosses my path, they're dead.
[ ] People know not to try and stick up for themselves when I'm around.
[ ] I'm one of the strongest kids in school.
[ ] Even some authority figures are afraid of me.
[ ] People get out of my way when I'm walking
Total: 4

[x] I own at least 2 different video game consoles.
[ ] I love Final Fantasy.
[x] DDR & Guitar Hero. 
[ ] I've missed school before because I was trying to beat a video game.
[x] I'm always trying to beat high scores on games.
[ ] I even play a lot of computer games.
[ ] I play at least 3 hours of video games a day.
[ ] My thumbs are sore often.
[ ] I spend all my money on new video games.
[ ] My boyfriend/girlfriend has to be into video games.
[ ] All I talk about is video games.
[ ] I've been in a video game competition before
[ ] I pay over 30$ a month in online games.
[x] I have bought more than 5 accessories for my console
[x] I know about more than 10 cheats and mods in the game I play most
[ ] I have played at least a complete week in the game I like most.
[x] I wouldn't know what to do in an afternoon without electricity.
[ ] My parents often tell the internet is broken or simply disconnect it so I don't spend whole weekends and holidays playing.
[ ] I've actually read a book about videogames.
[x] I have more than one online account on the same game.
Total: 7

[x] I have long hair.
[ ] I wear make up everyday.
[x] I carry a purse.
[x] I have to get someone else to come kill a spider or any bug.
[x] I use perfume
[x] I keep my nails clean/shaped
[x] I shower regularly
[ ] I used to or still do Dance, Gymnastics, or Cheer/Pom
[x] I like to accessorize
[ ] I like flowers
[ ] I don't like to be outdoors.
[ ] I'm more like my mother than my father.
[ ] I like hanging out with girls (friends) than boys.
[ ] I like going to the mall/shopping.
[x] I watch my weight/ count calories. 
[ ] I plan outfits ahead of time
[ ] People say I have a soft/sweet voice
[ ] I dream about and am already planning my wedding day
[ ] I watch dramatic shows on tv, soap operas, reality TV, etc
Total: 8

[ ] I have short hair.
[x] I hate doing laundry.
[x] I like war type video games.
[x] I like playing or watching sports.
[ ] People say I have a deep voice.
[x] I'm more like my dad than my mom. akármennyire utál én szeretem
[x] I beat up or tease my younger siblings or friends.
[x] I act tough, it doesn't matter what's going on inside me. 
[ ] There's only two emotions
[ ] I shower only when I (or others) start to notice I stink. 
[x] I think about the opposite sex a lot.
[x] My room isn't neat
[x] I bite my nails instead of using scissors/clippers.
[x] My clothes don't match sometimes, but I don't notice or care
[ ] I like to play rough with dogs
[ ] I like the movies 300, Transformers, The Dark Knight
[ ] The best way to get the opposite sex to like you is to act like a jerk
[ ] I don't read
[x] I don't ask for help even if I need it.
Total: 11

csellendzs lvl barbi

2012.05.13. 09:59, barbi


1.Post a picture of yourself and introduce yourself

ezt csak azért mert tegnapi. néézd a szekszuális papuche-om. (tudom hogy nem azt nézted perverzállat) 
naszóval ájm ö bárbi görl in ö bárbi vöörld lájf in mjúzik itsz fántásztik ju ken bring mí Syn, szó hi kud ándressz mí evriver CENZÚRA
2. What exactly would you do if you saw your favorite celebrity?
az adott körülmények között egészen nyugodt lennék és csak az  alsóneműjét lopnám el vagy esetleg őt magát.

3. A video that makes you laugh out loud

4. If you switch places with someone for one day, who would it be? (Could be a celebrity or animal or something)
elvinném a kavicskutyámat a Bahamákra

5. What would you like to accomplish this year?
nem szeretnék olyan lenni aki felugrik és elmozdítja a tér-idő kontinuumot.

6. Who is your role model and why?
Tom aki végignudizza az évet ám a strandra fürdőruhában megy. FUCK LOGIC

7. Whats in your bag? and post a picture
a pénteki marháskodásból került bele egy krumpli. kép szerintem nem kell.

8. If you bumped into the person you dislike or if you were stuck with them in an elavator, what would you do or say?

9. Picture of you with friends being silly

csak akkor silly ha figyelembe vesszük hog 6 éveseknek találták ki ezt a mászócuccot és angolról lógtunk ki :D

10. Something you regret
semmit se bánok meg mert abban a pillanatban amikor megcsináltam valamit jó döntésnek tűnt. vagy csak szimplán nem gondolkodtam. 

11. A song you listen to when your working out or cleaning your room
mi az a takarítás? 

12. Whats on your mind lately
Look at each other, Look at each other,
Look at each other, Look at each other.
Go away, Go away, Go away, Go away....
ha felismered király vagy.

13. A song from the 90s
 I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred. höhö.

14. What do like and dislike about yourself
nagyon. sokmindent.

15. An awkward moment that happened today or in the past
amikor nyílvánosan becsináltam úgy anno 2 évesen

16. Favorite tv show and why
comedy centralon szokott menni az összes amit szeretek. mert sajt.

17. Your favorite blogs
huhú. sok

18. Places you want to visit
párizs. huntington beach. london. las vegas. new york.

19. Celebrity crushes
Synyster omnomnomnom Gates

20. What you saw at the news and talk about it
meggyilkolta,meghalt, drogozott, kicsapták, megerőszakolta..kb ebből állnak a hírek

21. Favorite holiday and why?
az összes szünetet végig koczkulom de amúgy hello nyá-á-ár

22. Your dream date
Syn eljön értem aztán kevésbé úriemberekhez méltó dolgokat csinálunk és közbe Stinget hallgatunk. de nemám. Queent.

23. Celebrities you would like to see working together in a movie or tv show?
mondjuk egy A7X- Darth Vader- Vágó István féle show-ra kíváncsi lennék. 

24. Favorite theme song

25. The best day of your life and why?
szerintem az még jócskán hátra van

26. Favorite quote
"nézz fel az ég felé, keleten kel fel a nap." na nemondd :o

27. Have you ever did something bad or lied to your parents? én nem hazudok, én füllentek. rossz dolgokat meg mindenki csinál. na nem félreérteni

28. Get a blank paper and close your eyes and draw, post a picture afterwards

ekkora kicseszett nagy művészlélek vagyok

29. Rant about anything
szónokoljak? miről? ó te drága klementínaaaaaa

30. Reaction after finishing this challenge and what do you think about it?  potato

30 napos Avenged Sevenfold kihívás

2012.04.06. 09:57, barbi
legfeljebb 30 perces

Day 01 - Favourite member.   Synyster! nem kérdés.
Day 02 - Favourite Pic of M. Shadows. 

ha már pucér képet nem találtam :D
Day 03 - Favourite Pic of The rev.
jaj. az összes. 

én még egy ilyen optimista embert nem találok az száz :)
Day 04 - Favourite Pic of Synyster Gates,

asszem ebbe szerettem bele először :D
Day 05 - Favourite Pic of Johnny Christ

egyértelmű :D olyan aranyoos :D
Day 06 - Favourite Pic of Zacky Vengeance

mert ez is olyan édes :D 
Day 07 - Favourite picture of all of them.

Day 08 - First Avenged Sevenfold song you ever heard.
Little Piece of Heaven. azóta is ezt mutogatom mindenkinek akivel meg akarom szerettetni :D ha engem meggyőzött őket is meg fogja. remélhetőleg.

Day 09 - Favourite Avenged Sevenfold album.
 ömm. összes. mindegyiken van olyan szám amit nagyon szeretek és olyan is amit kevésbé :D
Day 10 - Favourite song from: Sounding the Seventh Trumpet .
Streets. We come out at night. Forgotten faces :D
Day 11 - Favourite song from: Waking the Fallen. 
I WONT SEE YOU TONIGHT PART 1!! meg a part 2. :D unholy confessions, second heartbeat.M.I.A. minden :D
Day 12 - Favourite song from: City of Evil .
Blinded in Chains, Bat country, Burn it down, Beast and the harlot. imádom :D
Day 13 - Favourite song from: Avenged Sevenfold.
ohohoh. összes. A-tól Z-ig.
Day 14 - Favourite song from: Nightmare .
visszafelé sorrendbe :D holtverseny. de tényleg. 
Day 15 - An Avenged Sevenfold song that makes you sad.
So far away. nem is ragoznám
Day 16 - An Avenged Sevenfold song that makes you happy.
huh. Little piece of Heaven :D Lost. Unholy Confessions. 
Day 17 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry.
Unholy confessions. Second Heartbeat. asszem :D
Day 18 - Your least favourite Avenged Sevenfold song.
juj. Unbound? Dear god is eléggé idegesít :D
Day 19 - One Avenged Sevenfold song that you could listen to forever.  mindig a kedvencem :D
Day 20 - A Song that should have been a single. ez nemtudom  mit is jelent pontosan :'D 
Day 21 - Favourite Avenged Sevenfold lyric. Scream. talán a szadista szöveg miatt :D de olyanjó ordítozni a tesiöltözőben
Day 22 - Favourite song (by a different artist) that features at least one of a7x members.  Good Charlotte- River. pontosabban, M. Shadows& Synyster Gates feat. Good Charlotte- River.
Day 23 - Most inspirational Avenged Sevenfold song to you. 
nyehh. nemtudom. Bat country? xddddd
Day 24 - Favourite Music Video.
LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN! kurvajóra sikerült :D
Day 25 - Least Favourite video. 
Seize the day. :(
Day 26 - A song that reminds you of someone.
Blinded in Chains. mert amiatt hallgattam meg hogy mondta hogy szereti :D
Day 27 - Favourite Tattoo from one of the members .
Syn ujjtetkója és a foREVer felirat a mellkasán.
Zackynek a bal karja végig nagyon tetszik :D
Mattnek a Reves deathat tetkó a jobb kézfején
Johnnynak egy tetkója van úgyhogy az :D 
Revnek a Sullivan felirat a hátán és alatta a 0. :)
Day 28 - Favourite Interview . öö. amikor Syn elküldi a faszba a rajongókat :D persze csak kedvesen :D
Day 29 - Favourite Guitar solo . SCREAM! 
Day 30 - Favourite Drum solo.  Almost easy :)

hát ezzel meglepően sokat szarakodtam. és milyen nyomott lett. na mindegy.


losted in love

2012.03.24. 12:06, ede
Elejére | Újabbak | Régebbiek | Végére |
kúszódj át valamerre ha már arra teremtettének

lelki szemetesládában való hitvallás.

barbi. ede.



ede, tizenkétéves, veszprémi lány, hatalmas SYNYSTER imádattal. tulajdonképp összevissza egyed, mert apuja negyedvér szlovák, negyedvér német, anyukája pedig félig osztrák. vagyhogy. össze-vissza dumál rendszerint. imádja az irodalmat (már ami a művészetet és nem a tanórát illeti), és szeret filozofálni. rajong a képzőművészetekért és a kézműves dolgokért. szeret rajzolni és fotózni, bár az előbbi nem igazán megy neki. a haja világosszőke vagy talán mézszőke, szeme világoskék. egyszerű smink jellemzi, illetve dr. martens és a vans era. kedvenc színei a fekete, a bordó és a sötétkék. szereti a kávét, és szokott alkoholizlálni, illetve vizipipázni. nagyon változékony az életkedve, és épp igazán és viszonzottan szerelmes. imád ironizálni és szarkasztikus megjegyzéseket tenni, jellemvonásai közé tartozik az önmarcangolás, önpusztítás és lelkizés. rapszódikus de határozott személyiség. talán. okcsá.

ültesd át magad te tuja.

Elfelejtettem a jelszót

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